Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Wrap Up

Day 22:

Job well done on the demonstrative speeches! I was extremely impressed and entertained. I was able to learn things that I did not know how to do before and see things done through digital media that I was completely unaware of. I enjoyed all of your speeches and applaud your good work. However, one common problem that I saw through out the speeches was the long pauses and period of silence. Most of you did not utilize the filler material or did not anticipate their being any silent pauses within your scripts and therefore did not plan for any. With more practice, I’m sure you all will understand this concept much better.

Something that impressed me with all the groups was the introductions. Every speech I watched had excellent introductions that grabbed my attention within the first few seconds of the speech. The introductions were all very informative and the introduction made me want to listen to the rest of the speech. Good job students.

Again, I applaud your good work and look forward to the work you will do in future with persuasive speeches and all other assignments and projects.

Ms. Sanchez

Now relax with this mix tape I've created for you.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Peer Review Etiquette

Day 18:
Today you should submit your final products through your individualize blogs. You must e-mail me the URL to your blog and then I will e-mail all students the URL to one of the group members blogs that will be used for peer evaluation.

Peer Review Etiquette
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Ms. Sanchez

Day 19:
I will send you a list of blog websites where the demonstrative speeches appear and you will be responsible for critiquing each group's speech. You will post these critiques as comments.

Day 20:
I have sent you all a peer evaluation form through your e-mails, which will be due by tomorrow. Please fill them out completely and be honest and specific.

Day 21:
Students must submit their final peer evaluation forms.

Demonstrative Speech Example & How to Use Movie Maker

Day Five:
Below are a few clips of demonstrative speeches that I have randomly selected from a site called I want you to review each of these speeches and as you view them, take note of the pros and cons, according to the outline I have given you in the previous blog. Take into consideration the rubric I had posted earlier as well. These are not the only examples out there in the World Wide Web. Explore or other resources and find speeches that you like or are interested in and see how others approach similar topics.

The first one is one that I did myself that will show you how to use movie maker. However, I expect that your group speeches will be better.

Ms. Sanchez

Dating Humor:How To Turn Someone Down

Famous Dance Moves:How To Moon Walk

General Etiquette:How To High Five

Filmmaking: Camera Work:How To Make A 'How To' Film

Day Six:
You should submit your speech scripts via e-mail.
Send all scripts to either as a word document or as a e-mail text.

Day Seven:
I will return your edited scripts and you will be responsible to correct and follow my recommendation. All corrections should be addressed and then the scripts resent via e-mail by day nine.

Day Eight:

Continue with the revisions of the script draft.

Day Nine:

Your group scripts are due today and should be sent via e-mail. This submission will be graded, but you can still make corrections for the purpose of the speech. I will offer final recommendations. After revisions, you should begin filming and editing their speech.

Day Ten:
You will be given till day 18 to work on your speeches by filming, editing, and preparing the final production for submission. If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Demonstrative Speech: Things You Should Know

Day Four:
The Demonstrative Speech
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

You should start writing a script for your presentation. In this script you should include who will be saying what, any stage direction or camera directions, camera effects, editing effects, or sound effects that you will use, as well as the filming and editing tools you will potentially be using. Keep in mind the time limits that you have (three to five minutes). This assignment will be due two days from this post and the assignment will be sent via e-mail. Keep in mind that this script is just a draft and also that scripts are meant to simply guide you along your speeches.
Ms. Sanchez

*images were found using by typing in key words "post its" and "layouts"

Project Expectations and Rubric

Day Three:

Choosing Topics and Tools: An Introduction

Day Two:
This is the first blog for the lesson concerning the demonstrative speeches.
Press the play button to begin.

Don't forget to post your group members first name and last name initial, as well as the topic you will be giving your demonstrative speeches on.
Ms. Sanchez

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome English Students!

Hello Students,
As you already may know, I'm Ms. Sanchez and I will be your English teacher for this year. I'm hoping that we will have a very interesting, fun, and not to mention educational year filled with literature, linguistics, and composition (especially composition).

As I have mentioned in class, this is my blog that I will be using to teach a few lessons and one way in which I can communicate with you outside of the classroom. Since you students are in the final phase of your educational experience, it is time that you students take responsibility for your own learning. That means, me or the parentals not telling you what to do and when to do it. I want you to take control of your own learning. That is, you determine how much you will and want to learn and I encourgae that you push yourselves.

You should check my blog at least twice a week in order to keep up and not miss any assignments. I will up date your every now and again, but for the most part it is your respondsibility to handle this.

Once again, I look foward to this year.

Ms. Sanchez